Saturday, May 31, 2014

Food as Prayer

I am reading The Quotidian Mysterieslaundryliturgyand "women's workby Kathleen Norris. In it, Norris discusses the sacred task of everyday living within a feminist framework.

Today, I am also contemplating a question asked in the middle school health curriculum: "what are your natural highs?" When I was first presented with this question, I was frustrated. I don't know!  Exercise doesn't do it for me; although I have plenty of friends who get the runner's high. Adrenaline-producing activities don't do it for me; anything remotely exciting makes me fall asleep like a possum.

But Food!  Good food with good friends. Good food with a good book. Making food. Eating food at a restaurant. Eating at a friend's house.

As I sit in a café eating delicious food, drinking cappuccino, and reading Norris' book, I realize that I've answered more than just that one question. Food feeds me physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Appreciating the farmers who have grown the tasty ingredients, the cooks who have combined them in delightful ways, and the people who surround me at the table, I sink into the peace and fullness of God and creation.

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