Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Celebrating, when I really just want to mope

I have probably mentioned before that I throw a party once a year to celebrate the anniversary of being healed by God. I've been touched by many miracles in my life, but the healing of a chronic illness during communion is a big one.  At the time, I felt that God healed me in such a showy way so that I would tell the story and I would celebrate regularly for the rest of my life.

Although God healed me of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, I still deal with other illnesses and disorders. Depression comes and goes. It is often worst in November and December.  I was healed in mid-November.  And after ten years of grumbling about having to throw a celebration party when I didn't want to, I finally realized that maybe throwing the party and remembering the miracle in the middle of all my depression and despair was for me to remember the miracle.  To remember God's Love.

Tomorrow, I am going to The Sandbox Evening Worship because I was invited by the priest to share my healing story.  And as I was walking down the sidewalk this evening, despairing because of the pain I have in my abdomen*, God hit me over the head again.  Of course, I'm going to share my healing story tomorrow!  Of course, I'm going to celebrate healing while part of my body is anything but healed.  Why?  Because I need to hear the story again.  I need to remember God's touch and God's grace and receive a bit of God's patience.

God, grant me the patience to be fully present at this time with whatever is going on inside or outside my body, and to rest in You, in whom I live, and breathe, and have my being.  Amen.

*I was diagnosed with endometriosis during surgery a month ago.  According to the surgeon, I'm "riddled with endometriosis" and organs are attached to one another in a dangerous way.  It probably began back in my teens, but hasn't shown symptoms until recently.  I've started hormone therapy, and hope to be feeling better soon.

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