Today was cold, damp, and overcast. As I walked from the library to a new small Persian restaurant for lunch, a man approached me and asked for money to buy food. He said he hadn't eaten in three days. I invited him to join me for lunch, and he accepted the invitation.
As soon as we walked into the tiny, quiet restaurant with four tables, I was sure that I had made a mistake inviting the panhandler, John, to join me for lunch there. Surely, we could have walked another block to the diner, where there would be male waiters, more customers, and a more "American" menu. But, we were seated, and ordered our food. John talked most of the time. I listened politely, and attempted to give advice occasionally. Boy, was the food taking a long time! Man, was the place quiet. I was starting to worry that we were bothering the four other people in the restaurant. What had I gotten myself into?
John and I talked about being Christian. John kept talking about the $28 that would put him and his girlfriend and their two kids back on their feet. He never asked me directly for cash, but was very obviously hinting. I intuited that parts of his story were real and parts were made up for sympathy; but I couldn't tell which pieces were which.
Before the food came, he almost asked me straight out for money. I responded that I could buy him lunch and pray for him. John looked disappointed, and to both of our relief, suddenly remembered an appointment he had to get to.
Moments after John left, the owner brought me our food (two entrees), and I proceeded to eat both of them. She then gave me tea and dessert "on the house" for the good deed I attempted to do. I pray that some good came out of it; but for now, I just want to take a shower and a nap!
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